How does S&H assistance portal work?


It's simple: sign up and you will be able to register a product and request assistance for it.

How to register a product?

Product registration

To register a product you simply need its serial number. Follow the instructions during the registration phase to easily find it. If you have any problems, contact us.

How to request assistance for a product?


Once you added a product, you can request assistance. To open a request, click on the 'Add' button available in the list of products or in the product details' page, and compile the proposed form.

How to check the status of my assistance request?

Assistance status

To check the status of your assistance request, you can visit the product details' page and check all open requests and their status. From there, you can visit the assistance details' page by clicking on the request ID. Every time your request has been updated, you will receive an email to inform you.

How to download my assistance request?

Assistance request download

Once your request has been accepted, you will be able to download a PDF with all the information needed.